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Latest News

Ramadan Building Phase 3 Appeal

Calculate Your Zakat - Workshop Session Friday 23rd Feb after 5.36pm Salah

Masjid E-Umar Grand Opening Sunday 11th Feb after Magrib Salah 5.12pm.

New Build Appeal
The current organisation has embarked upon a massive project to build a new Masjid, Madrasa (for Boys and Girls) and Centre for the Community. Please join us in making this project a reality by donating generously in the following ways:
Feature Coming Soon
JazakAllah and a huge Thank You to all our kind donators
Payable to:
Girlington Muslim
Welfare Association
Standing Orders:
United National Bank LTD Sort Code: 60-91-67
Account : 0600 4702
In Person:
Sajid M Khan
Zulfiqar Ahmed
Molanah Sajid
Aziz Rehman
Address: 182a Durham Road, Girlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, BD8 9HU
New Build Updates
Contact Us
182A Durham Road,
Girlington, Bradford,
West Yorkshire,
+44 1274 544358
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